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Frozen Boiled Baby Clam Meat
Author: Click:1792 Time:2020-06-17

Frozen Boiled Baby Clam Meat is a kind of Frozen Seafood, referred to as “Frozen Cooked Clam Meat”. Both the meat and juice are delicious,  Frozen Boiled Baby Clam Meat contains many kinds of vitamins and has high nutritional values.

 During production, it is important to spit sand, that is to say, after cleaning, the baby clam need to be put into a clean seawater or salt water  for more than 24 hours to spit sand. What’s more, we need to  increase the oxygen content in water while clams are spitting sand to maintain the activity and increase the efficiency of sand discharge.  We should also make the water flowing while spitting sand so that the sand can be spit out thoroughly.  

After spitting sand, the baby clam need to be washed again and cooked to remove the meat and juice.

After that, wash the  clam meat again. When make the frozen block ,the clam meat should be soaked in the original juice and then put into the plate for quick freezing; The single frozen product should be ice coated with the original juice to keep its freshness.